Addis Ababa Lideta Sub city Woreda 5 house number 097
1. Cancer Screening, diagnosis and staging.
2. Chemotherapy and other infusion therapies.
3. Radiation therapy consultations
4. Immunotherapy.
5. Targeted therapy
6. Hematology services
7. Genetic counseling and testing.
8. Cancer research
9.palliative care services, including pain management, nutrition counseling, and social work services
10. Survivorship care and follow-up.
Providing cutting-edge technology and innovative treatments encompassing Radiotherapy treatment and oncologic surgeries.
Hope Oncology Specialty Clinic is the first of its kind private medical institution with a sole focus in providing cancer screening and treatment. At Hope Oncology Speciality Clinic ,we understand that a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and stressful. That's why we strive to create a supportive and welcoming environment for our patients and their families. We are committed to providing the highest quality of care, using the latest advances in cancer treatment and Thank you for choosing Hope Oncology Specialty Clinic for your care. We look forward to serving you and providing you with the support and care you need to achieve the best possible outcomes.
በተለያዩ የኢትዮጵያ ክፍሎች በሚገኙ ስመ ጥር ዩኒቨርስቲዎች እና ሆስፒታሎች ውስጥ በሚሰሩ የካንሰር ስፔሻሊስት ሐኪሞች የተቋቋመ በአይነቱ የመጀመሪያ የሆነ የካንሰር ማዕከልን እነሆ ብለናል። ካንሰር ማዕከሉ በካንሰር ህክምና የብዙ አመት ልምዶችን ባካበቱ የጤና ባለሞያዎች የተደራጀ ከመሆኑ ባሻገር በማዕከሉ የሚሰጡትም አገልግሎቶች ዘርፈ ብዙ እና ሁሉንም የካንሰር ታካሚ ተደራሽ የሚያደርጉ ናቸው። ከቅድመ ምርመራ ጀምሮ የሙሉ ካንሰር ምርመራን፣ የኬሞቴራፒ ህክምናን፣ የሆርሞን ህክምናን፣ የፓሊዬቲቭ ህክምናን እና ለጨረር ህክምና አስፈላጊ ቅድመ ሁኔታዎችን የማመቻቸት እና የማማከር(Consultancy) አገልግሎትን እንሰጣለን።ታካሚውን ባማከለ ሳይንሳዊ ምልከታ ምሉዕ የካንሰር ህክምናን እንሰጣለን!
ኑ እና ይጎብኙን፤ ህክምናው በሚጠይቀው የሙያ ስርዐት እናገለግሎታለን!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod temp
or incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
a consultant Clinical Oncologist with over Number of Years years of experience in the field. He completed his residency in Clinical Oncology at Addis Ababa University.
Senior Lecturer and Clinical Oncologist at Haramaya University. And he is the General Secretary and Public Relations personnel of the Ethiopian Society of Hematology and Oncology.
Senior Lecturer and Clinical Oncologist at Haramaya University. And a pioneer in establishing cancer centers in Eastern part of Ethiopia(Harer and Jijiga)
He is the Head of Adama University's Oncology Department and Vice President of the Ethiopian Society of Hematology and Oncology.
He is Clinical Services coordinator at Black Lion Hospital Oncology department
He is the Head of the Saint Paul Hospital's Oncology Department and Executive Member of the Ethiopian Society of Hematology and Oncology.
Hope Oncology Specialty Clinic is the first of its kind private medical institution with a sole focus in providing cancer screening and treatment.